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Dynamics 365 for Healthcare

Discover how Dynamics 365 can support healthcare services in optimising their operations

What does Dynamics 365 help healthcare organisations achieve?

Within healthcare it is of the utmost importance to unify operations and engagement, with processes spanning multiple departments and locations. Often data is held in various, disparate business systems and databases, making it hard to ensure that the data being relied on is the most up to date. By uniting data within a central business solution, users can attain more accurate visibility into the data that supports their processes and trust that this comes from a single source of truth.

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare unites the capabilities of Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and Azure to offer a series of digital healthcare solutions. Of these solutions Dynamics 365 powers:

  • Care management
  • Home health
  • Patient access
  • Patient outreach
  • Patient service centre
  • Health assistant

Find out more about the role of Dynamics 365 in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare here.

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